FAQs / Guidelines
How can I give a monetary gift to the Trash crew that services my home?
If you are looking for a quick and easy way to give a holiday gift to your trash crew securely, we now have a solution for you. You can use Venmo or Cashapp to securely get a give to your crew. Please include the information below:
Subject line: Christmas gift and account number/account name
Cashapp: $Trashtaxi5432 Email listed: Felisha.b@trashtaxiofgeorgia.com
Venmo: @Trashtaxi5432 Email listed: Felisha.b@trashtaxiofgeorgia.com
If you have any questions you may email Felisha.b@trashtaxiofgeorgia.com
Please include your address or account number and a thank you message to your crew. We will be sure that they receive your generous gift and a copy of your message. On behalf of our hard-working team members, thank you for allowing us the pleasure of serving you and for your kind gift.
This info is posted here only for those that already were planning to give. There is no intention to make anyone feel obligated or pressured to give a gift.
Collection Guidelines
If you have any issues with your service, please contact us no later than 24 hours of your service day. You can reach us by phone, email, or text until 4:30 PM Monday – Friday.
- Put trash out the night before your collection day. We start early!
- Service includes a full cart plus three additional bags outside the cart, no bags over 35 gal. (kitchen size).
- Any bags after the allotted three are $2.00 each and must be called into office at least one business day before service day. This includes residential size 35 gal. trash bags, not contractor bags.
- Customers are responsible for cleaning their trash cans. Keep yours happy by using disinfectant! Your can will stay cleaner longer if you bag your trash.
- Personal trash cans will not be serviced as they are unreliable and easily damaged.
- Georgia law prohibits us from collecting batteries, tires, oil, liquid paint, or combustible materials deemed hazardous, such as propane tanks or acids.
- Bulky materials such as drywall, concrete, bricks, dirt, tree limbs, lumber, carpet, or rocks are not accepted for pickup. A small dumpster is the perfect size to rent and get those items taken away.
- Furniture and Major Appliances will be taken if you call the office for a special bulk item pick up.
- Cardboard boxes smaller than 25 X 50 inches will be taken if they are broken down and bundled with tape or string. Larger boxes with triple cardboard walls jam up the truck compactor and cannot be taken.
- NO BATTERIES of any kind! These can start fires in our trucks.
- NO Car parts allowed such as Brakes, Rotors, Tires and Small Motors. These items will not be accepted.
- NO metal materials, rods or bars can be taken at the curb as they can puncture our compactor.
- Use proper disposal of needles with sharps containers as advised by your physician.
- We do not accept dead animals.
- Notify our office immediately when moving or transferring service.
- Remember, don’t forget to tie your trash bags.
Note: Any prohibited item placed in your trash cart will have to be removed for trash service to be continued for your next service day.

Trash Taxi Guidelines for Trash Placement
Keep your garbage cans three feet apart and 10 feet from any obstacles such as mailboxes, cars, lamp posts, or power lines. Place your trash can at the curb with the wheels facing your house and the lid opening into the street. The garbage can lid has arrows that should point toward the street.

Billing Guidelines
- Trash Taxi will furnish the containers for your use to be delivered before the start date of the first pickup. The container(s) are owned by Trash Taxi and will be surrendered back to Trash Taxi if the customer discontinues service. If the can is not returned to Trash Taxi the customer is responsible for paying a $150 can replacement fee.
- NO refunds will be issued for services canceled within the billing quarter.
- Invoices are sent out 30 days prior to the due date. Accounts will automatically be charged a $25 late fee after the 10th of the month the bill is due.
Suspended Accounts
- Accounts will automatically be charged a $25 late fee after the 10th of the month the bill is due.
- Please be advised that online payments can take up to 7 days to reflect to us as your trash hauler. If you need a payment submitted within the days listed, please call directly.
- If your account is suspended and you submit your late payment on or after your route/service day, your trash will be collected the following week on service day. If you have any questions or concerns do not hesitate to email customer service at: info@trashtaxiofgeorgia.com OR call us directly.
Do I need to buy a trash container?
Trash Taxi will provide the container(s) for your use and deliver it (them) before the start date of your first pickup. Please remember that the container(s) are owned by Trash Taxi and must be surrendered back to Trash Taxi if you discontinue service. If the can is not returned to Trash Taxi, you are responsible to pay a $150 can replacement fee.
When is my bill due?
Your trash bill is always due on the first day of the new quarter (3 month period). Trash Taxi will send you an invoice 30 days before that to remind you.
How long do I have to pay my bill before I’m considered “late”?
IF we have not received your payment by the 10th day of the quarter (3 month period), you will be charged a $25 late fee and your account will be suspended.
I made an online payment. Why is my bill still considered “unpaid”?
Online payments can take up to 7 days to be processed and reach us. If you need to make a payment in a shorter time frame, please call us directly at 770-975-0926.
I paid my late bill this morning. Why didn’t you pick up my trash today?
When your trash bill wasn’t paid, your account was automatically suspended. Now we will process your payment and then update the route so that your trash will be picked up next week on your regularly scheduled service day.
I have a question which isn’t addressed in these FAQs.
If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to email customer service at: info@trashtaxiofgeorgia.com OR call us directly at 770-975-0926.