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Residential Trash Services

If you are interested in trash pickup for your home, signing up is easy.

Our residential service consists of once weekly pick-up service at your home. Before your expected start date, we’ll deliver a 95-gallon rolling garbage can to your home, along with a recycling container (if requested and available in your area). You fill it up during the week and put it out at the end of your driveway with up to 3 additional bags beside it the night before your expected pickup, and we’ll take care of the rest!

* Price Is Monthly But Billed Quarterly • $1.00 EPA Fee Per Month Will Be Added • Set Up Fee of $27.95 Will Be Added • All Accounts Will Have a 7% Fuel Surcharge

trash taxi trash truck

Great Service Is Our Guarantee

We pride ourselves on conscientious, responsible service. Our crews will work hard to keep your neighborhood clean and sanitary. Sign up today and see the savings for yourself! You don’t have to believe us, though. Just ask our customers and see why you’ll love Trash Taxi as much as they do. Be sure to check our service calendar for any expected service delays because of holidays or inclement weather.

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Acceptable Trash Item List

Call the office for bulky item pricing and scheduling. Bulky items are normal items that wouldn’t fit into your container such as furniture, lawn equipment, grills, etc.

Please Be Advised, We DO NOT Accept ANY Batteries. When compacted they leak and cause chemical fires inside the trucks. These chemicals are also highly toxic & harmful to the environment. Lithium batteries found in cell phones, laptops, tablets and other electronic devices have an even greater risk for fires and chemical leaks. They can be recycled at Home Depot, WalMart and other box stores.

Acceptable Trash & Recycling Items

trash truck

Residential Trash Service Area

Trash Taxi is a locally owned trash company that provides residential trash service for Bartow, Cherokee, Cobb, and Paulding Counties. We provide residential and commercial garbage removal service and recycling services in Acworth, Marietta, Cartersville, Dallas, Euharlee, Kennesaw, Powder Springs, Woodstock, and everywhere in between.

Let Us Exceed Your Expectations

Trash Taxi also provides roll-off dumpsters for home remodeling and construction and demolition jobs. Whatever the size of your job, you’ll always get the same great service from us.

Schedule a Service Now