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Dependable Trash Company Serving Acworth, Kennesaw, Marietta, Cartersville, Taylorsville, Hiram, Dallas & Powder Springs.

Trashin’ Is Our Passion!

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Residential Sign Up Rent a Roll-Off

Outstanding Waste Management Since 2004

Founded by three brothers who live in the community, Trash Taxi of Georgia serves Bartow, Cherokee, Cobb and Paulding counties with residential and commercial garbage pickup and recycling. We also provide roll-off dumpsters for home and business remodeling, construction, and demolition. Our local, friendly office staff are happy to take your call. Trash Taxi has built a reputation for dependable, clean service, at a fair price.

Residential Trash Collection in Acworth

Clean & Neat Neighborhoods

Our 80 teammates live in the communities we serve. We believe that our work ensures clean and neat neighborhoods which leads to healthier and safer communities. Our weekly trash and recycling pickups of a provided 95 gallon rolling garbage can and recycling container makes removal easy. Recycling materials are brought to local processors for recycling and reuse so that together we can preserve resources for the future.

Trash taxi business clearing services in Acworth & Atlanta

Clean & Neat Businesses

Trash Taxi keeps your business clean and neat. Our commercial services include both temporary and permanent roll off dumpsters, compactors, and front load dumpster pick up. Recycling is available too. Call us today and we can assist you over the phone or send over a knowledgeable sales representative. Our commercial team has over 90 years of collective experience. We already service manufacturers, restaurants, construction companies and retail stores. We’re interested in servicing your business too.

Customer Reviews

Industrial Rolloff Dumpster in Acworth

Contact Us Today

Get in Touch Today

5432 Pine Ridge Ln
Acworth, GA 30102


Hours of Operation
Monday: 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM
Tuesday: 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM
Wednesday: 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM
Thursday: 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM
Friday: 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM